In the Mountain Room, three and four year olds begin the practice of being an individual in the community. They are better able to coordinate thought, language and emotion so we see a more sustained interest in games and activities coupled with their own brand of willfulness and opinions. Here is where the sense of self begins to really shine. The Mountain Room teachers help the children navigate this time by offering deeply engaging work on which they can focus for extended periods of time. They also encourage self expression through open ended art, spark curiosity with science explorations, and prompt reflection and wonder about the world through books and stories. Over the course of a year in Mountain Room, children will feel nourished through:
- Making and following through with a plan for play
- Communicating their needs to peers
- Responding to the needs of peers
- Taking on tasks to help the group
- Having more independence with self care (such as washing hands and going to the bathroom)
- And so much more!